An Open Letter to Healthcare Providers & CEOs, Members of Congress, and the Public

Re: The Urgent Need for Single-Payer Healthcare

We write to you as patients, caregivers, and advocates who believe deeply in the promise of a fair and compassionate healthcare system. Recent calls by healthcare executives to limit what they have termed “unnecessary care” reveal the dangerous trajectory of our current system—a system increasingly defined by corporate greed rather than the fundamental duty to heal.

This is not just a crisis of policy; it is a crisis of values. Decisions about care are being guided by profit margins instead of patient needs, with devastating consequences for millions of Americans. Families are forced to choose between life-saving treatment and financial ruin. People delay or forgo care altogether, often with tragic results. And all the while, the wealthiest among us grow richer, insulated from the realities faced by ordinary people.

This must end. Healthcare is not a commodity to be bought and sold; it is a basic human right. It is time to transform our broken system into one that serves the people, not corporate interests. It is time for single-payer healthcare.

A single-payer system would guarantee access to care for every person, regardless of income, employment, or preexisting conditions. It would ensure that decisions about treatment are made by doctors and patients, not by executives seeking to maximize profits. And it would eliminate the administrative waste and inefficiencies that drive up costs, redirecting those resources toward improving care.

Under single-payer healthcare, no one would have to ration medication or avoid seeking help because of the fear of medical debt. No one would be forced to navigate a maze of insurance paperwork or fight to prove their illness is “worthy” of coverage. Instead, we would have a system grounded in compassion, equity, and common sense—a system that recognizes the dignity and worth of every individual.

To healthcare providers: You entered this profession to care for others, not to serve as gatekeepers to care. Join us in advocating for a system that allows you to focus on healing without the burden of navigating profit-driven bureaucracy.

To members of Congress: The power to fix this broken system is in your hands. Resist the pressure of industry lobbyists, and instead act with the courage to protect the lives of your constituents. Your leadership can make universal healthcare a reality.

To the public: Your voice is critical in this fight. Share your stories. Demand action. Support candidates and policies that prioritize healthcare as a right, not a privilege.

To healthcare CEOs: You are not immune from the consequences of your words and actions. The impact of your decisions is far-reaching. Use your influence to drive change toward a system that prioritizes health over profit. 

This is a pivotal moment in our history. We can continue down the path of corporate control and growing inequities, or we can choose a future where healthcare is a universal guarantee. The time to act is now. Together, we can build a system that reflects the best of who we are—a system that puts people over profits, dignity over dollars, and humanity above all else.

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